The Rust Diaries: Mutiny

The Crafting Center was created by two individuals who desired both neutrality, as well as to assist new players. It started very limitedly. Players could bring items that are craftable, and the owners would make whatever they needed.The two players acted in character and were friendly to everyone they came across. Of course, there are the usual Rust jerks that want to grief-friendly players. Hostile players began to steal and ultimately led to the Crafting Center adding armed guards.


Beyond the Crafting Center lies danger.

The neutral and friendly vibes attracted players to the region. Many wanted to play the game without the constant worry of death and a sense of security from the community. The two began to build apartments where players could live for a mere one-hundred wood. This lead to the area becoming too crowded, and many players couldn’t help themselves from stealing their neighbors loot. It only took a few days, but the Crafting Centers generosity would lead to its tragic downfall.

At this point, other players on the server began expressing their concerns with the rumors that the CC was no longer a peaceful community, but a large group of bandits.


The Crafting Center

Their worries were valid.

I logged on one night to witness something that can only happen in a survival game: A naked man came running up to the area seemingly only out of curiosity. Two armed members approached him quickly asking the naked man if he lived in the apartments. As soon as he answered “no”, he was blasted with a shotgun. “Kill anyone that doesn’t live here,” says the culprit to the other guard. This was no longer the peaceful community I originally wanted to be a part of.


An example of cheating. One of the few annoyances in Rust.

I logged on the next day to find the community arguing amongst each other. Afraid that a mutiny had occurred, I kept quiet in my room while listening in. From what I have gathered, the following is what happened:

One of the members had some friends that changed their names to seem as though they were the original founders. The con artists began slaughtering members, confusing people on who to trust. The other founding member arrived to find out what exactly happened when a mutinous group killed and destroyed his sleeping bag.


Founding leader “Pansy” saying his goodbyes to the server.

The other original member returned to the community to talk to everyone one last time. He truly wanted to have a peaceful community. Unfortunately, this is a game without any rules. Trust is a fragile ideal in Rust, and those who do use it, usually end up feeling betrayed.

People that want to experience Rust need to know what they’re going into. Other players will take advantage of the new guys. It’s going to happen. Having an experienced friend that you can trust is a plus. If you do go alone, though, watch your back.

Trust no one.


Me and my significant other built this tower. Unfortunately, the server was wiped, erasing hours of building.

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