
If you’re reading this post, thank you. It’s because of people that care about anything that I do that helps me. This post is mostly to give an update on where I’m at, as well as to talk about mental illness.

I can relate to this.


So, I have depression. Don’t worry, I’m not going to kill myself or anything. I’m currently taking medication. I tried the using natural methods, like, vitamins and exercise, but they weren’t helpful. Taking meds has been the best, although I can no longer consume beer.  I rarely have “bad” days and I have been much more talkative with folks. Since my depression is hereditary, it is likely that I will have to fight this illness for the rest of my life.



Work has also been pretty cool. I am now the Produce Manager, which I honestly like. It pays fairly well, and the people I work with are generally awesome. Getting up at 4 am every morning has been a challenge, though.



I just completed my first semester back from school, and it feels really good. When I initially entered college, I really didn’t have an idea of what I wanted to do, or had any motivation. I was pursuing education after high school just for the fact that  it was the thing to do. I now have goals and have grown up since then. I only took two classes this semester, and I will be taking four in the fall.



I have felt so much better lately and I needed to share what’s been going on with me as of late. Take care of yourselves, friends.

Guys, it’s ok, Persona 5 is coming.

One thought on “Contentment

  1. Jon says:

    New blog theme plox

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