Update .V2

Woof, these past few months have been a doozy.

School starts next week and I still can’t get the damn payments set up. Financial Aid really makes you work for it. Here’s to another year of sitting over a computer and reading for hours on end.

Work has been up and down. Since taking over from the previous boss, I’ve lost several employees and had to pretty much-run everything myself. Despite this, I still maintained everything and even did better than last years numbers (and that was with two other people working). If this continues, there may be bonuses at the end of the quarter.

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These past few years I’ve learned so much about myself. I discovered and accepted my introverted personality. I took on depression both with and without the use of medication. I’ve grown more culturally, accepting others no matter their background. I’m eating the healthiest I’ve ever eaten and loving it. I’ve become better at socializing with others; a skill that took many years to accomplish. My family has become closer to me than in years past. And I’ve realized the importance of people, not the shitty ones, the ones who show you new things, exchange words when you really need it, compliment you when your self-esteem needs a boost and laugh at your dumb jokes. These are the people that you should surround yourself with. As much as the introvert that I am, those moments mean much more than sitting in your room all alone.

I have new goals:

I want to write a book. It’s a story that I’ve been working on since I was twelve, and is nerdy as hell.

Travel. I really want to wander in the cities of Japan. Their culture/media has had such a prominent impact on my life, and I just want to take it all in.

Finish school. I have a long way to go, but I really want to prove to everyone that I can do this.

Read more. I really, really should. Manga doesn’t count.

If you’re still reading this, thank you. You spent your valuable time on reading something that I wrote. Thank you.

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