Melodies tied to Memories

Mediums can often become connected within specific memory. For myself, music is tied within moments throughout my life. While listening to these albums, memories come flowing back. Here are the albums that come to mind:

Messengers: August Burns Red

Out of all of these albums, this is the one I’ve listened to the most. During my sophomore-junior years of high school, I played this album on my iPod every day while walking to school. Every. Day. Not only did it get me pumped for my day, it completely changed the way I thought about drumming. Seriously, every wanna-be drummer at the time tries to mimic Matt Greiner’s style, including myself.

Heartthrob: Tegan and Sara

I associate this album when I was at my lowest. I would listen to it in between driving to different Starbucks, trying to get a wifi signal so that I could train for my job at the time. The cups of hot tea that I went though that Fall are embarrassing. 

Worlds: Porter Robinson

Not only is this my favorite album of 2014, but it helped me a lot when my depression was at its worst. I used to play “Divinity” because it instantly improved my mood. Something about the ambient high pitched sounds accompanied with the soft female vocals always helped me.

Wildlife: La Dispute

Where do I start with Wildlife? It has some of the best songwriting I’ve ever heard, along with really good instrumentation. Some of the songs really describe depression in a way I can identify with. I don’t consider myself a fan of poetry, but I can really get into a La Dispute song.  Also: King Park will give you chills every time.

Define the Great Line: Underoath

I would describe myself as a wanna-be-emo-kid in junior high; It all derived from this album. It was my first “heavy” album that I really got into. Memories of hot summer’s, reading manga, and listening to this album on repeat are still clear as ever.

The Bones Of What We Believe: Chvrches

I really got hooked on this album. It was during a time where my driving distance to work had increased and this album became on the constant play during those cold dark nights.

Come Now Sleep: As Cities Burn

If there was a sad album that I constantly played in high school, this was it. The first track, in particular, would often leave me an emotional wreck. It made me think about my faith at the time and questioned my beliefs.

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