The Nichols Clan

I could probably write an entire book on my family. I mean, there is nine of us. We’re a weird family, I don’t think anyone would disagree with that, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.




My father is one of the most respectable people I know. He taught me the work ethic that I know and use every day. The lawn business that he started was so that we, his sons, would be able to make money. As a naive twelve-year-old, I didn’t realize the importance. I wanted to sleep in on Saturday’s, but instead, my dad would get my ass out of bed to mow lawns all day. He constantly scolded me for slacking off, but that ultimately made me into a better person.

me and dadboys 2002

summer 2010dudes


I’ve been through some rough times these past few years, and my mom can always tell when something’s wrong with me. I can try and hide it, but she will always see through it. I feel bad sometimes, being that much of a worry. I don’t know where I would be without her support.

grad mom xmas 2010

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T.J and I beat the shit out of each other when we were kids. I would tease him about the length of his hair, and he, being the stronger one, would always pummel me. Music was everything for us. We would always show each other the new bands that we were into and talk about them for hours. We even jammed a bunch of times going under the name: Bloodline. Nothing ever came of it, as I had a falling out with drums, but those are still some great memories.

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bros 092010


Cooper has changed so much. I remember him being the bratty younger brother. While I and T.j often got along due to music, Cooper was much younger, and that made it harder to get along. The three of us could never do anything musically, as we had a hell of a time getting along. Cooper had the same love of video games that I did. He would easily beat all of me and my friends at Mario Kart. Now he’s just some dumb nerd who works at a grocery store. :33333333

bros bros 2011



I remember when Suzie entered our lives. She was a little chubster that we nicknamed “Mo’” for whatever reason. She’s grown up so fast. While most kids would often lack responsibility at her age, Suzie embraces it. Out of the four younger siblings, Suzie takes the leadership role. This sometimes makes her bossy, but she’s really good at it.   

lills 07 suzie 2010

lils 2011 babies


We called Lincoln Bilbo when he came into our lives. He looked like a little hobbit with his white hair. The doctors that evaluated Lincoln told our family that he may never be able to walk. As a family, we proved them wrong by working with him. He also showed signs of speech problems too. We helped him with this by working on sign language with him. He still stutters when he speaks, but he has improved greatly.

Lincoln 2011 suz and lincoln 09

me and lincolnxmas 2009


I cannot wait until Jill is old enough to use social media. She says the most random things that I wish I could share with everyone. She is always wanting a hug and kiss and asks the strangest questions.

twins jill09

jill 2011 sisters


Millie is going to go places. She is almost always reading a book. Unlike Lincoln, Jill, and Suzie, Millie is introverted like the rest of the family. Sometimes she leaves the table from dinner early so she can be alone with her books. She also might be the toughest kid I know. No one in the family messes with her, and if they do, they’re probably going to get punched.

twinsbday millie2011

millie colorme and millie

If there is anything I’ve learned the past few years, is that most people don’t come from a loving family like mine. I am forever thankful for all of them. While I and my parents don’t see eye-to-eye on a lot of things, they’ve always been there for me, and supported me, no matter what stupid thing I did.

I love all of you.

One thought on “The Nichols Clan

  1. kimmers9 says:

    Jake, I am so glad you are my son, my firstborn. You hold a place in my heart that belongs solely to you. I am proud of the Man you have become! On days when I feel like a parenting failure, or am simply exhausted from the years behind us while dreading the years to come, I come back here and I re-read what you wrote here and it gives me peace and courage. It fills my heart, makes me cry and makes me smile. I love you! Mom

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