2016, I’m Coming For You

Most of my personal blog posts consist of me complaining about things in my life. Not this one.



Ask me anything about Godzilla 


I feel mentally stronger than I ever have. Coming out of bad experiences has given me strength that I never knew I had. I’m at a point where I can do what I want. Hell, I could move to a different city this year if I really wanted to. I’m in a place where I’m financially stable, and I have nothing holding me back.





I’ve grown closer to my family more than ever. I look forward to holidays, where I can hang out with my awesome family and laugh until there are tears in my eyes. Especially when alcohol is involved.





This city isn’t where I want to stay. I have a desire to live close the ocean, not for the golden sands, but for the lighthouses and clouds. I’ve grown accustomed to the CDA area, but it will never be where I want to spend the rest of my life.



Ask me how much I love John Wick


Despite having every system on the market, I’ve played fewer video games last year then every year before. This may be a factor of having a full-time job, and taking several classes, but I’ve grown to spend my time with other things. It may be premature to announce it here, but I think I want to go E3 this year. I’ve gained an incredible spark to return to writing about video games again.





I miss playing drums so much. There’s an expression there that cannot be filled with anything else. I ended up selling the electric kit in order to build my PC, and I would be lying if I said I regret that. Luckily, I have my starter kit that I bought when I was 14 and have started making repairs in order to sell it, and use that money to purchase an electronic kit that I would be able to play in an apartment environment.



Get emo with me and talk about La Dispute.


I AM GETTING A DOG THIS YEAR. I’ve accepted my love for the canine, and I want, no, I NEED a dog companion. I’ve wanted a beagle since I was very young, and I’m at the point where I’m tired of waiting. I want to train him to become a psychiatrist service dog. I truly believe that animals have the ability to aid those with mental illness. Having a dog that I can rely on no matter what is important to me. 






I can’t express how thankful I am right now. I have worked hard to get where I am at. I have become a better person than I was last year. I’ve figured out who I am, and who I never want to be. I’m turning 24 this year, and I still feel like I have so much life to experience.



Have you watched The Raid 2? You should fix that.


Thank you.




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