
Hey there. 


Since I last wrote, I had just moved into my new place and started to enjoy some of the perks of living closer to the city. I stopped writing for the video game site I was writing for at the time in order to focus more on school. I made some good friends that I spent the majority of my free time with. 2016 may have been bad for a lot of people, but it was great for me.


I didn’t get a dog in 2016 like I had hoped, but I’m currently working on trying to get one within the next couple months. I want to train it to be an emotional support dog. This way, I will be able to bring the dog to more places when needed. I can’t express how excited I am to get my own dog!


People always say you learn more about yourself as you get older, and I can verify that. I’ve learned my strengths and weaknesses, especially within the past few months. I know that I constantly think of the people that I care about, and this can sometimes lead to not taking care of myself. It’s all a balancing act that can be overwhelming at times. But I’m getting better at it.


I started to journal every day, and that has helped gather my thoughts and emotions into a form that I can look back on. I’ve always journaled, but it’s never been consistent. I’m a pretty private person, and this has been a good way of expressing myself without becoming vulnerable.  


As for school, I finally have some ideas for a career that I continue to look into. Then again, there are other things in motion that may lead to something entirely different. I had to take a break from school at the beginning of 2017 because, well, money. I don’t do a whole lot in the winter, so I’m currently looking for a part-time job on top of the full-time job I currently have.


Winter has been harsh this year. It has been constantly in the low teens, and the snow refuses to slow down. This has also made it hard to go out and do anything fun. It’s been a lot of spending time with friends and family at home, and I am extremely grateful for that.


I hosted my first ever party on New Year’s Eve, and it went so much better than I had planned. Well, besides throwing up in the shower the morning after. I wanted to close out 2016 with the people who I had shared memories with. I’m so thankful for those who continue to allow me to be a part of their lives.


There are things happening in 2017 that I am so excited about. 2016 was good for me, 2017 will be even better.


Thank you all so much.




One thought on “Adapting

  1. I am proud to know you, Jake, and I really miss seeing you. You seem to have grown so much and I admire the way you are approaching life. You are always welcome here! Stop by and see us sometime.

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