
Well it’s 2019 and I’m doing the thing. I live in Portland now. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for such a long time. I’ve always enjoyed the diversity and conveniences of cities and Portland is my favorite. 


I’m going to miss the hell out of my roomates. We’re such a weird group of awkward introverted people. I’m going to miss D&D nights where we would get together and usually end up talking about music for 4 hours and maybe, just maybe, make progress in our campaign. 


Parker is the dad of the house. Always making sure everything around the house is taken care of. Always making striving to make the perfect hamburger and running to Papa Murphy’s because he got a coupon in the mail. 


T.J and I would always have the weirdest conversations. Most of the time it had to do with music and film critique. Or about all the weird people he meets working as a barista. Anyway, thanks a lot for all the pop music that I hate myself for liking. Dick. 


Angela joined the house months after we got it. I got her into my favorite show, Terrace House, which I consider an accomplishment.  Also she really likes warm non carbonated soda? Excuse me?


I’m so glad I got to live with Cooper for a year. He’s fucking hilarious and we spent so much time playing video games together. I would intentionally play certain songs while cooking just to hear him sing obnoxiously. I hope he eventually has a job that isn’t an hour away. 


Most people hate their job but I really don’t hate mine. I’m honestly pretty lucky. I worked there for 5+ years and helped open the store. I’ve met so many interesting and cool people working there. But I’m going to definitely miss Danielle the most. She is honestly the hardest working person that I know. I’m so proud of how far she’s come and her bravery throughout all of the medical procedures she’s endured. I’m gonna miss ya, kid. 


I think I’ve always had this fear that people would take me moving away personally. There are many people here that I love and have so many great memories with. But for me, moving away is something that I need to do in order to grow as a person. I want to be in an environment where I don’t feel out of place. Every time I’ve been in Portland I’ve felt a freedom and a carefreeness that no other place has provided. Something I’ve never felt while living in Idaho. 


There are parts of living in North Idaho that I’m going to miss, but sometimes the sacrifices make up something that is even better than you think. There’s a part of me that is terrified, I won’t even try to deny that. But the overwhelming part of me is more excited than I’ve ever been about life. So much is changing, and it’s all for the good of myself. 

Love ya,